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Calibration Rules for Rapid Change Temperature Test Chamber

China Dongguan Quality Control Technology Co., Ltd. certification
China Dongguan Quality Control Technology Co., Ltd. certification
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The touch screen micro vickers hardness tester has been installed a few weeks ago, everything is OK. Thanks for your advice and excellent service.

—— Mr. David Chambers

Thanks for the fast delivery and our customer is very satisfied for the rockwell hardness tester, and hope more orders soon.

—— Neil Renato

After we visited the customer, they finally decided to purchase Brinell hardness tester iBrin-413Z, now we have installed the unit at customer’s site,

—— Fermin Lee

Thank you for the indenters (diamond  cone 120 degrees). We recently got it and already tested it. Indenters  are good as we expected. 

—— Dalius Skinulis

The Measurements are good for Brinell Tester HBST-3000.

—— Sun Chull Kim

Hey, the hardness tester iVick-484ST was installed last week and works well, thanks for the professional support.

—— Sabinian Smith

I am glad to inform you that the installation of the SHB-3000C Brinell hardness tester has been finished successfully. I would like to thank you!

—— Robbin

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Calibration Rules for Rapid Change Temperature Test Chamber
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Calibration Rules for Rapid Change Temperature Test Chamber


Rapid change temperature test chamber calibration rules are important guidance documents to ensure stable equipment performance and accurate test results.


By regularly calibrating the test chamber, equipment errors can be eliminated to ensure that it can still provide reliable test data under complex and changing environmental conditions.


The following is a detailed explanation of the rapid temperature change test chamber calibration specifications.


1. Purpose and importance of calibration

The rapid temperature change test chamber is mainly used to simulate the performance of products in extreme and rapid temperature changes.


To ensure the accuracy of test results, the test chamber must be calibrated regularly. Calibration can not only eliminate equipment errors, but also ensure stable performance of the equipment during long-term use, thereby providing users with reliable test data.


2. Calibration period and conditions

Calibration intervals should be determined based on the frequency of equipment use, environmental conditions, and the importance of the test results. It is generally recommended to perform a multifaceted calibration at least once a year.


During the calibration process, it should be ensured that the test chamber is in normal working condition and that the ambient temperature, humidity and other conditions meet the equipment requirements.


3. Calibration content and steps

3.1. Temperature calibration: Use a standard thermometer or thermocouple to calibrate the temperature of the test chamber.


First, place a standard thermometer or thermocouple inside the test chamber and record the reading after it equilibrates with the temperature of the test chamber.


Then, compare the standard thermometer or thermocouple with the temperature measuring element in the test chamber and make corrections based on the differences.


During the temperature calibration process, attention should also be paid to checking the temperature uniformity and temperature gradient to ensure uniform temperature distribution inside the test chamber.


3.2. Humidity calibration: For test chambers with humidity control functions, a standard hygrometer or dew point meter should be used for humidity calibration.


Place a standard hygrometer inside the test chamber, record its reading, and compare it with the humidity value displayed in the test chamber. The humidity control system is adjusted according to the difference to ensure humidity accuracy and stability.


3.3. Control system calibration: Check the accuracy and response speed of the control system. Use a standard signal source to test the control system and record the difference between its output value and the standard signal source.


Adjustments are made to the control system based on differences to ensure it operates properly and provides accurate data.


3.4. Data recording and reporting system calibration: Verify the accuracy of the data recording and reporting system. Check the consistency of the data by comparing the data recorded in the test chamber with the readings from standard thermometers, hygrometers and other instruments. If there are discrepancies, corrections should be made to the system to ensure it provides accurate data reporting.


4. Processing and recording of calibration results

After the calibration is completed, the calibration process, results and adjustment measures should be recorded in detail. Equipment that does not meet the requirements should be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. At the same time, a calibration file is established to facilitate future review and tracking of equipment performance changes.


5. Precautions

5.1. During the calibration process, the safety operating procedures of the equipment should be followed to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.


5.2. During the calibration process, avoid causing damage to the test chamber or affecting its normal use.


5.3. Regularly review and update calibration specifications to adapt to new testing needs and technological developments.


To sum up, the rapid temperature change test chamber calibration specifications are an important guarantee to ensure stable equipment performance and accurate test results. By following calibration specifications, equipment errors can be eliminated, the reliability of test data can be improved, and strong support can be provided for product development and quality control.


Pub Time : 2024-05-20 08:58:29 >> News list
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Dongguan Quality Control Technology Co., Ltd.

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